Page 19 - food-trend-2019
P. 19

Cooking Trends at Home         Food Categories at Home

 A proliferation of food and travel shows on   that the home cook of 2019 will be most   With the ongoing growth in food retail   products will be clearly visible in our
 television and streaming services, food porn   inspired by Television and Video shows   that offers deeper immersion, greater   kitchen pantry this year. This revival
 on social media platforms like YouTube and   (46%) and driven by a sense of nostalgia   variety, dependable storage and better   would be spearheaded by traditional
 Instagram, along with easier access to tools,   for rediscovering family and community   logistics that promises fresher and faster   cooking mediums (62%) replacing the
 techniques, information and ingredients,   cuisine (45%). They also felt that curiosity,   food delivery, today’s home cooks are   generic vegetable and international
 is encouraging home cooks to experiment   and a sense of culinary adventure, will lead to   spoilt for choice of ingredients they can   oils; regional seeds and grains (52%),
 with dishes beyond their traditional   more experiments with cuisines other than   play with in their home kitchens. The   in lieu of regular staples like wheat and
 boundaries. Our expert panel believes   their own (39%) at home.  theme of going local was the strongest   rice; and home-grown produce from
             here, and our experts unanimously    kitchen and/or window gardens (47%)
             predicted our preference for traditional,   to complement meals with ultra-fresh
             regional, home-grown, and indigenous   vegetables and herbs.
 0  5  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45  50  55  60  65  70  75  80  85  90  95  100
 Cooking dishes inspired by TV shows / Youtube  46%

 Rediscovering roots by cooking from family, Community cuisines  45%
                             0  5  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45  50  55  60  65  70  75  80  85  90  95  100
 Experimenting with cuisines other than one's own  39%
              Traditional Indian cooking mediums (eg. Ghee, Coconut, Mustard, Peanut, etc.)  62%
 Shift to healthier cooking methods  37%
              Regional seeds & grains (eg. Millets, Local rice and wheat varieties)  52%
 Cooking dishes inspired from travel  36%
              Home-grown produce from kitchen and /or window gardens  47%

              Indigenous varieties of fruits & vegetables
              (eg. Local, foraged / wild...)      35%
 Because food now   Shows like Masterchef etc have   Locally grown international fruits & vegetables (eg.   32%
 occupies a large part of   inspired people to cook as and when   Avacado, Passion...
 our imagination and cuts   they have time. And today there is
 across social and economic   a tsunami of content online that has
 strata. The curiosity to   people educating themselves better
 know is high as well as   and being inspired!   Value and Virtue. As we learn more about why indigenous foods
 a pride in one's own roots   Chef Sadaf Hussain  are good for us, we will make a more conscious effort to include
 and traditions is growing.               them in our home cooking. Nutritionists sharing information about
                                          the functional and medicinal values of food are growing popularity
                                          thanks to which small food retailers are finding reason to deal in cold
                                          pressed seed oils and indigenous or domesticated farm produce.
                Saee Koranne Khandekar

               Locally produced International vegetables are big these days,
 Pritha Sen
               but at the cost of forgetting our own millets and indigenous
               ingredients. As chefs it is one’s duty to connect with local
               producers and farmers, interact with them, get one’s hands
               dirty once in a while. Know where our produce is coming from
 TV food and cooking   and what we are putting on the table. To bring about change
 shows offer creative new   one needs to create that demand and supply.  Chef Michael Swamy
 ideas and novelty to
 home cooks. It gets them
 appreciation from family
 and friends.

 Ruchi Shrivastava
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