Page 25 - food-trend-2019
P. 25

Beverage                      Alcoholic Beverages

 Trends      Under the active leadership of a new   their money on craft beverages and
             generation of entrepreneurs, the
                                                  spirits taking the forefront in 2019. 47%
             Indian alcohol industry is buzzing with   predict that Indian flavour-inspired
             new ideas for Indian spirits and wines   cocktails will keep spirits high! With
 Over the last decade, the beverages industry has   that meet, and sometimes exceed,   three brands of locally crafted and
 undergone substantial transformations to keep   International standards! 2018 saw   distilled gins entering the market in
 abreast with changes in market dynamics. While   the industry make inroads into gin   2018, 44% of our panel believes
 the pace of these changes understandably differed   exploration, whisky blending, meads   that Indian craft gin will be more
 for alcoholic and non-alcoholic categories, regular   and ciders, and packaging of local   visible on bar menus this year,
 launches of new categories, products, and formats   alcohols. 60% of our experts believe   along with house-made bitters
 ensured that the Indian consumers was spoilt for   that this trend would continue and put   and tonics.
 choice! In this section, we crystal gaze on what a
 discerning consumer can look forward to in 2019.

                             0  5  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45  50  55  60  65  70  75  80  85  90  95  100

              Craft beverages and spirits                         60%

              Indian flavour inspired cocktails           47%

              Locally distilled Indian gin              44%

              House-made bitters and tonics             44%

              Locally made ciders and meads        36%

               The rise of the gin and infusions will
               be an interesting trend to watch out   With younger, more urban, entrepreneurs
               for. Many restaurants have started   entering the market, the focus is slowly
               their own infusions, and cocktail bars   shifting away from legacy spirits. Small-
               using Indian hints like star anise or   batch, local, freshly brewed beers and
               turmeric may see a huge surge!
                                                   in-house flavours are attracting customers
                                                   interests. There's also been a gap in high-
                                                   end mixers which is slowly being filled.  Antoine Lewis

                    Ruth Dsouza Prabhu
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