Page 9 - food-trend-2019
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Top predictions for 2019
Artisanal Functional Ordinary
will be the foods will More vegetables
new“cool” Convenience influence daily indigenous
cooking will will be the
A growing desire to support local and diet choices
sustainable practices at both grains will
individual and institutional scale, will new exotic
see a lot more unusual products with become In 2019, more consumers will use
labels like rustic, artisanal, information on the functional and be revived
small-batch, crafted, and handmade medicinal attributes of food products Humble vegetables like Bathua,
find their way into the mainstream. respectable to help them select those that align The conversations around health, Tendli, Lauki, and Tinda, abundantly
pervasive in traditional homes but
best with their diet or lifestyle conspicuously absent from
Concepts like speed-scratch cooking choices. sustainability and farmer welfare that
will encourage time-pressured brought Millets into consumer focus commercial kitchens, will be featured
consumers to cook more often, last year, will spark a similar interest prominently in restaurant menus.
thereby driving a demand for and revival of other traditional grains
products that offer creativity and and indigenous varieties of rice.
convenience of rustling up quick,
personalised meals at home.
Conscientious Snacking will
cooking, Fermented Micro-cuisines be reinvented
10 Responsible foods will be will hit the Nani, In 2019, the lines between
meal-time and snack-time will blur
Dadi & Ma’s
further, as consumers get more
eating will
opportunities to replace their main
products that align with their
gain traction everywhere Consumers can look forward to an recipes will meals with credible snacking
priorities around health,
explosion of conversations, events,
Newfound consumer respect for products, and dining experiences convenience and costs.
Growing appreciation for the intricate traditional wisdom around the inspired by micro-cuisines from rule menus
relationship between personal food perceived health benefits of specific sub-regions, communities,
choices and environmental wellbeing, fermentation, coupled with its and even family kitchens of India. 2019 will see the food industry
will find consumers actively seek potential for infusing deeper, more creating more opportunities to pay
solutions that help minimize impact complex flavours into food, will fuel a
on themselves and the environment. demand for a wider variety of homage to mothers, grandmothers
naturally fermented products on and home chefs as the original
shelves and menus in 2019. sources of inspiration, and custodians
of our rich culinary diversity.