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About The Report
As we head into 2019, many of us in the food industry
are defining goals for the year, and selecting areas and
activities we will put our time, effort and money into,
to meet these strategic goals. This is where the annual
Godrej Food Trends Report comes in! The goal of the
report is to draw on the collective experience and insight
of the industry, collate it, and share useful data with
the larger food fraternity to help all of us in our forward
This year, the report is bigger, having reached out to
over a hundred representatives of the food fraternity,
carefully selected for their deep insights and valued
opinions. It’s also wider, covering inputs from more
locations than ever before. And, it is deeper, because our
respondents included Caterers, Chefs, Food Bloggers,
Health Professionals, Home Chefs, Media Professionals,
Mixologists, Nutritionists, Producers, PR professionals,
Restaurateurs, Retailers, Sommeliers, and Writers, who
shared deep insights about their respective areas with
us. The complete list of experts who contributed to this
report is available on the following pages.
For the Godrej Food Trends Report 2019, we created a
close-ended survey of 16 category-specific questions
designed around trends in Dining Out, Dining In,
Beverages and Desserts. We asked our experts to select
their top three picks in every category, and provide a
rationale for each of their selection. We then matched
the most popular picks from each category with
overlapping picks in other categories to finally arrive at
our shortlist of the ten most visible trends.
Our panel of experts unanimously agreed that 2019
will find us exploring our culinary diversity in more
ways than ever before! The food industry will draw
inspiration from a special genre of subject matter
experts - grandmothers, mothers and home chefs, to
translate traditional wisdom, knowledge and practices
into commercial products and experiences. Our experts
predict that Indian ingredients and flavours to dominate
in our kitchens, conversations, menus, beverages and
even in our desserts, and I am really excited at the
I hope you enjoy reading the Godrej Food Trends Report
2019, and find our predictions helpful in propelling your
food goals ahead! We are thankful to all our experts
for being generous with their time, deliberating over
options, and sharing their erudite opinions, many of
which you can find peppered throughout this report.
Rushina Munshaw Ghildiyal
Managing Director
A Perfect Bite Consulting