Cranberry sphagetti garnished with chenna crumble

Sphagetti cooked in cranberry sauce and garnished with chenna crumble

27 Mar 2021

  • 15
    Prep time
  • 20
    Cooking time
  • 4


Sphagetti pasta 200gm packet/s
Cranberry juice 1 cup millilitre (ml)
Fresh chenna 1 cup cup/s
Sugar 1/2 cup cup/s
Lemongrass 1 cup shredded cup/s


Cook the pasta in hot water with 1/2 cup of chopped lemon grass wrapped in a muslin cloth.

Strain it and keep aside.

Take fresh chenna in a pan. Add the sugar and Stir it continuously to get a bit dry chenna crumble .

Take cranberry juice in a saucepan. Add the remaining lemongrass. Reduce the cranberry juice to a thick saucy texture.

Toss the cooked lemongrass flavoured sphagetti in the sauce and garnish with the chenna crumble.

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