Up your romantic quotient with nature’s lovely gifts
From exchanging expensive gifts to sharing a simple meal together, love can be expressed in many ways. It can also be expressed through food items that we consume on a daily basis. Not convinced? Well, there are several fruits that are believed to make you feel lovey-dovey. Their aphrodisiac properties are said to enhance the sensations of arousal and make one feel all the more playful. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, it becomes apt to enjoy some fruits that symbolise love. Here’s a list of fruits for you to include in your grocery shopping this week.
Apples have been associated with love and harmony for many centuries now. Rather, from the genesis of mankind. From featuring in stories of Adam and Eve to finding its place in Snow White’s fairytale, the ‘forbidden fruit’ has certainly come a long way. Apple is widely used to symbolise beauty, knowledge and temptation. To ‘have an apple’ has often been used a metaphor for sexual desire. For its stimulating qualities, this fruit was used by the Europeans in their love rituals during the Middle Ages. In technical terms, apples are rich in quercetin which promotes blood circulation in the genitals and arouses the body. Now you know that an apple a day will never keep your loved one away!
In the Roman tradition, strawberry has been considered as a symbol of Venus, the goddess of love. One cannot be sure whether this is because of its nutrient content, or does this have more to do with it bearing a heart shape or a red colour. The sweetness and fragrance of the fruit could also play a role in it being considered an aphrodisiac. Experts say that strawberries contain ingredients important to sex hormone production, but there’s no way to guarantee that they increase desire. Whatever be the case, one thing guaranteed is that this fruit comes with the richness of Vitamin C that helps keep the blood flowing to all parts of the body. Strawberries are great to have in all seasons and moods. So, keep ’em coming!
This fascinating fruit is considered sacred in many cultures. Apparently, Buddha got enlightened while meditating under a fig tree. Figs are also said to represent prosperity, sexuality and safety – the major things that one looks for in a relationship. In Moroccan customs, people throw figs and raisins to wish fruitfulness upon newlyweds. The high concentration of antioxidants, flavonoids and polyphenols present in figs can develop a feeling of relaxation and wellbeing. It is also believed that their rich amino acid content promotes sexual stamina. The next time you buy your grocery, you know which fruit to stock up on!
Pomegranate, also known as ‘love apple’, symbolises togetherness and conveys the message of abundance and fertility. According to historians, Arab traders in the Middle East used to carry pomegranates as a gesture of goodwill in order to entice merchants into buying their goods. The ancient Greeks proclaimed that the first pomegranate tree was planted by Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Interestingly, pomegranate tree was used as a symbol of true love even by Shakespeare in his iconic story of Romeo and Juliet. Scientifically speaking, this fruit is high in antioxidants that boost the blood flow, which eventually reduces oxidative stress. Whether you’re in love or not, do have pomegranates to maintain good health and mood.
For the longest time, peach has been considered as a symbol of youth and immortality. In Chinese culture, it is regarded as the divine fruit of the god. The fruit is a true delight to the senses for its tempting taste, great smell, soft and smooth touch and a beautiful appearance. This is perhaps the reason why it has been touted as the most erotic fruit in the art world. When it comes to relationships, peach symbolises tenderness, love, femininity as well as fertility. Peaches are rich sources of Vitamin C, and increasing their intake in a man’s diet can result in a higher sperm count. The more the merrier!
Now that you know how these fruits are connected with your emotions, go ahead and spread some love by creating exciting dishes using them. Or, just have them as is. These fruits are smart enough to take care of setting your mood right!